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Erfurt Luger Serial Numbers

On the left is the frame and barrel matching serial numbers. Military Lugers were numbered 1-10000 and then 1a-10000a, 1b-1000b, and so on. To properly identify your Luger always use the full serial number with the alphabet identifier. Magazine on right is a correct Erfurt magazine but not matching. The markings are clear and legible. All serial numbers match with the exception of the magazine. The grips are matching and in very nice shape. The bore is sharp and shiny. The action is excellent. Here is a fantastic Luger P.08 right off the World War I battlefield! This firearm is classified as a Curio & Relic. Barrel is 4 inches. Erfurt Luger LP08 1914 Early with Stock – 9395 $ 2,995.00. Erfurt Luger LP08 1914 Early. Serial Number: 9395. SOLD Read more; Luger 1916 DWM P-08 German $ 2,195.00. Smart 2d cutting 3.5 crack full version free software free. Luger 1916 DWM. Cinemagraphs free. Made by DWM in 1916 for German Army 9mm Luger Caliber. SOLD Read more; Mauser Broomhandle C96 with Stock $ 3,595.00. C96 Mauser Early pre WWI and pre WWII Made. About 23k, #63 was the lowest at one time- when Jan Still put the Central Powers pistol book together in 2007. Not everyone 'reports' their serial numbers and some insist on blacking out one or more digits- which makes it impossible to answer many questions about the pistol.


German Luger 1918 Erfurt Imperial

I recently came into the possession of this Erfurt 1917 P-08. All matching numbers and matching mag. The finish seems to be too good to be true. There is some pitting but it is minor, at least to me. I cannot determine if this thing has been re-blued. The markings are strong with sharp edges. There is no indication of buffing that I can find. I know Erfurt is known for having rougher tooling, however everything seems to be flawless. The interior of the chamber is not blued and is showing its metal. The barrel, though I cannot seem to capture it with a camera, has a brown hue to it. The straw colored parts are in excellent condition. Can anyone help me by taking a look at these photos to as if this is its original finish?
Thank you,

On the left is the frame and barrel matching serial numbers. Military Lugers were numbered 1-10000 and then 1a-10000a, 1b-1000b, and so on. To properly identify your Luger always use the full serial number with the alphabet identifier. Magazine on right is a correct Erfurt magazine but not matching. The markings are clear and legible. All serial numbers match with the exception of the magazine. The grips are matching and in very nice shape. The bore is sharp and shiny. The action is excellent. Here is a fantastic Luger P.08 right off the World War I battlefield! This firearm is classified as a Curio & Relic. Barrel is 4 inches. Erfurt Luger LP08 1914 Early with Stock – 9395 $ 2,995.00. Erfurt Luger LP08 1914 Early. Serial Number: 9395. SOLD Read more; Luger 1916 DWM P-08 German $ 2,195.00. Smart 2d cutting 3.5 crack full version free software free. Luger 1916 DWM. Cinemagraphs free. Made by DWM in 1916 for German Army 9mm Luger Caliber. SOLD Read more; Mauser Broomhandle C96 with Stock $ 3,595.00. C96 Mauser Early pre WWI and pre WWII Made. About 23k, #63 was the lowest at one time- when Jan Still put the Central Powers pistol book together in 2007. Not everyone 'reports' their serial numbers and some insist on blacking out one or more digits- which makes it impossible to answer many questions about the pistol.


German Luger 1918 Erfurt Imperial

I recently came into the possession of this Erfurt 1917 P-08. All matching numbers and matching mag. The finish seems to be too good to be true. There is some pitting but it is minor, at least to me. I cannot determine if this thing has been re-blued. The markings are strong with sharp edges. There is no indication of buffing that I can find. I know Erfurt is known for having rougher tooling, however everything seems to be flawless. The interior of the chamber is not blued and is showing its metal. The barrel, though I cannot seem to capture it with a camera, has a brown hue to it. The straw colored parts are in excellent condition. Can anyone help me by taking a look at these photos to as if this is its original finish?
Thank you,

On the left is the frame and barrel matching serial numbers. Military Lugers were numbered 1-10000 and then 1a-10000a, 1b-1000b, and so on. To properly identify your Luger always use the full serial number with the alphabet identifier. Magazine on right is a correct Erfurt magazine but not matching. The markings are clear and legible. All serial numbers match with the exception of the magazine. The grips are matching and in very nice shape. The bore is sharp and shiny. The action is excellent. Here is a fantastic Luger P.08 right off the World War I battlefield! This firearm is classified as a Curio & Relic. Barrel is 4 inches. Erfurt Luger LP08 1914 Early with Stock – 9395 $ 2,995.00. Erfurt Luger LP08 1914 Early. Serial Number: 9395. SOLD Read more; Luger 1916 DWM P-08 German $ 2,195.00. Smart 2d cutting 3.5 crack full version free software free. Luger 1916 DWM. Cinemagraphs free. Made by DWM in 1916 for German Army 9mm Luger Caliber. SOLD Read more; Mauser Broomhandle C96 with Stock $ 3,595.00. C96 Mauser Early pre WWI and pre WWII Made. About 23k, #63 was the lowest at one time- when Jan Still put the Central Powers pistol book together in 2007. Not everyone 'reports' their serial numbers and some insist on blacking out one or more digits- which makes it impossible to answer many questions about the pistol.


German Luger 1918 Erfurt Imperial

I recently came into the possession of this Erfurt 1917 P-08. All matching numbers and matching mag. The finish seems to be too good to be true. There is some pitting but it is minor, at least to me. I cannot determine if this thing has been re-blued. The markings are strong with sharp edges. There is no indication of buffing that I can find. I know Erfurt is known for having rougher tooling, however everything seems to be flawless. The interior of the chamber is not blued and is showing its metal. The barrel, though I cannot seem to capture it with a camera, has a brown hue to it. The straw colored parts are in excellent condition. Can anyone help me by taking a look at these photos to as if this is its original finish?
Thank you,

On the left is the frame and barrel matching serial numbers. Military Lugers were numbered 1-10000 and then 1a-10000a, 1b-1000b, and so on. To properly identify your Luger always use the full serial number with the alphabet identifier. Magazine on right is a correct Erfurt magazine but not matching. The markings are clear and legible. All serial numbers match with the exception of the magazine. The grips are matching and in very nice shape. The bore is sharp and shiny. The action is excellent. Here is a fantastic Luger P.08 right off the World War I battlefield! This firearm is classified as a Curio & Relic. Barrel is 4 inches. Erfurt Luger LP08 1914 Early with Stock – 9395 $ 2,995.00. Erfurt Luger LP08 1914 Early. Serial Number: 9395. SOLD Read more; Luger 1916 DWM P-08 German $ 2,195.00. Smart 2d cutting 3.5 crack full version free software free. Luger 1916 DWM. Cinemagraphs free. Made by DWM in 1916 for German Army 9mm Luger Caliber. SOLD Read more; Mauser Broomhandle C96 with Stock $ 3,595.00. C96 Mauser Early pre WWI and pre WWII Made. About 23k, #63 was the lowest at one time- when Jan Still put the Central Powers pistol book together in 2007. Not everyone 'reports' their serial numbers and some insist on blacking out one or more digits- which makes it impossible to answer many questions about the pistol.


German Luger 1918 Erfurt Imperial

I recently came into the possession of this Erfurt 1917 P-08. All matching numbers and matching mag. The finish seems to be too good to be true. There is some pitting but it is minor, at least to me. I cannot determine if this thing has been re-blued. The markings are strong with sharp edges. There is no indication of buffing that I can find. I know Erfurt is known for having rougher tooling, however everything seems to be flawless. The interior of the chamber is not blued and is showing its metal. The barrel, though I cannot seem to capture it with a camera, has a brown hue to it. The straw colored parts are in excellent condition. Can anyone help me by taking a look at these photos to as if this is its original finish?
Thank you,

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